Managed Care Liaisons

Boost Market Access with Managed Care Liaisons and Health Economists

Field medical managed care roles including Managed Care Liaisons (MCLs) and Health Economics and Outcomes Researchers (HEORs).

TMAC provides its clients with a range of field medical managed care roles including Managed Care Liaisons (MCLs) and Health Economics and Outcomes Researchers (HEORs).  These roles are typically employed with PharmDs, PhDs and MDs who may additionally possess a Masters of Public Health or Business Administration degree.

TMAC MCLs work to ensure that payers and insurance companies understand the value proposition, clinical differentiators, safety and efficacy of the client’s products and devices by presenting relevant formulary information, pharmacoeconomics and clinical data.

Unlock the full potential of your products with TMAC’s specialized field medical team:

  • Managed Care Liaisons (MCLs)
  • Health Economics and Outcomes Researchers (HEORs)

Our Experts

  • PharmDs, PhDs, and MDs
  • Many with additional MPH or MBA degrees

What Our MCLs Do for You

  • Communicate your product’s value to payers and insurers
  • Present critical data on:
    • Formulary information
    • Pharmacoeconomics
    • Clinical outcomes

Key Questions Our MCLs Address

  • How does your product’s benefits compare to its cost?
  • Why should insurers cover your product?
  • What outcomes can patients and payers expect?
  • What unique health benefits does your product offer?
  • How does your product’s safety profile compare to alternatives?
  • Does your product work faster than others?

TMAC Advantage

  • Full-time, dedicated professionals
  • 100% focused on your product
  • Flexible hiring options – internalize team members as needed
Ready to elevate your market access strategy?

TMAC MCLs are fully salaried and benefitted employees of TMAC and are 100% allocated to the clients they are hired to work on behalf of.  TMAC’s flexible model provides its clients with multiple hiring options; including internalization of all or some of the field medical team resources at the conclusion of the program.

Advancing healthcare one relationship at a time.